Improvvisamente abbiamo un po’ di tempo per noi, cosa ne facciamo? Ecco qualche suggerimento per trasformare una...
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Creare un album fotografico tradizionale partendo dai tuoi scatti migliori, selezionare e gestire le immagini,...
Quaderno, diario, agenda.. e libro firma.Posted in: Quaderni e diari9901 views 4 commenti 3 LikedRead more ...
C’è una cosa che contiene mondi interi: è fatto di fogli di carta legati tra loro e racchiusi in una copertina in...
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Quaderno, diario, agenda.. e libro firma.Posted in: Quaderni e diari9901 views 4 comments 3 LikedC’è una cosa che contiene mondi interi: è fatto di fogli di carta legati tra loro e racchiusi in una copertina in...Read more ...
Come creare un foto album tradizionale?Posted in: Album fotografici9746 views 3 comments 0 LikedCreare un album fotografico tradizionale partendo dai tuoi scatti migliori, selezionare e gestire le immagini,...Read more ...
Il valore del nostro tempo e come utilizzarlo7348 views 0 comments 0 LikedImprovvisamente abbiamo un po’ di tempo per noi, cosa ne facciamo? Ecco qualche suggerimento per trasformare una...Read more ...
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Just perfect
Da:Ron Wild Su May 9th 2019Having bought two of these journals in Venice in 2017, I bought a 17cm by (H)24cm, full leather journal as a Christmas present to myself in December 2018, I started it in the January, I am now around two-thirds of the way through it, so I have just bought two more (same postage as one) which arrived today. My Legatoria Koiné journal has started many conversations over the last few months and just about everyone is in awe of it. Although most people balk at the cost, it is only expensive if you don't already journal. My usual cheap bonded leather books were very nice, but lacked the sheer beauty of these, also they would only last between two to three months and cost around £10.This will last in excess of seven months so I would have spent £30+ any way and had to travel in to the nearest city to buy it. With transport and costs it is probably no more expensive. Even with the postage my two new journals cost only £40 each, delivered to my door. They are outstanding, unsurpassed (in my opinion with over forty years of diary keeping) quality tomes, which feel wonderful, with a nice heft to them and an exquisite aroma of leather on opening the packaging. So don't hesitate any longer, buy one and you will buy more. Thanks to all at Legatoria Koiné for the lovey craftsmanship. I
Thanks for the tips
Da:James Su June 3rd 2018I really appreciate the post.
Thanks, it made my day!
Da:Fortunaor Su May 30th 2018I really like the old-fashioned journals!! I'm thinking of keeping a journal very soon.. thanks for this lovely post.
Da:Inaky Su May 18th 2018E' vero! anch'io a volte faccio confusione. Grazie per avermi chiarito le idee :-))))